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Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Draw " my Insurance

yeah.... Finally its done..
The three day "draw"l is over and i find liberation to indulge in life's more sensible issues.
Right from the beginning i was never "draw"n to this course (i believe dere are many of us).
Had an an argument wit the tall-fair-mallu abt the utility of the course and after some useless parries and raised low voices; i gave up wen the man said try telling this to the instructor.
well whatever happened happened
Now coming t the serious issue.... the work over the three days have "draw"n my muscles tense especially in the back... The back pain will takes days or months or years to subside (cos i see more drawing coming).
And since this will develop into a serious problem ; hurting my future; i ask mr.instructor, will you "draw" my medical insurance?

I take this oppurtunity to thank Mr. Jerry Seinfield whose humor carried me thru the "drawn"out work.
I also sincerely thank Batman and Robin for their intense criminal catching show to entertain me in the time of "draw"l.