When GB Shaw said ‘Those who can’t, they teach’, and that was aeons ago, he surely laid down a truth for the whole eternity. I like that. It says so much about us as well. Ain’t we like ‘We can, so we engineer’. Too constricted a view! Too un-holy an attitude! Fine, but I stand by it!
Here’s my contradiction.
I don’t know, or perhaps I don’t want to know why am I engineering. I am pursuing civil, but do I ever feel like the engineer-to-be, the-technocrat-to-be?
Both viewpoints rule my mind.
I heard a lot, I saw a lot, I wondered a lot and even I dreamed a lot. That was yesterday.
What about today then…Well I C-Evil a lot. I can’t help it…satire, pessimism, criticism. That sums it up.
Hey, all this, why on earth? Why do I need to soul search a lot…these days? Introspecting, Ruminating, Clarifying…what else and what not!
Remembering the past few days, highlight of which was the freshers party definitely. As and when, I for the matter got to know the different layers, the different shades, the different differences…we all have. 5sBTs, as we are, so we are. Each part, each thing, each aspect of the freshers party…we handled the way we wanted it to be. I am so full of admiration, for all of us…and for myself as well. Self-congratulatory, does it seem so! But then as I said ‘As we are, so we are’!!!
If I stuff my BDD assignment in the cupboard and indulge in everything else, I am happy, I am satisfied. In fact I am at peace. It shows in my face, it just glows. Try checking out with yourself.
Logically, I’m for what I feel, not what I think. But challenges are such, they need the mind to work and the heart to rest. This I fail to do sometimes an end up messing up just everything. Like I do with my days and nights…I love lazing around, I feel for it. But that’s insanity, you can’t!
“You just canna sleep and sit…
You hafta run and fall…
You gotto rise and run…
Under the blazing sun…
Under the starry sky…
Under the moonless night…
Under the raining clouds…”
Musings, as these, never cease to stop.
May be generalizing too much on life and ignoring civil was not my idea here. Here I ask you to bear with me. That gives me the freedom to climb up a TV tower and shout ‘i DuNnO CiViL’.