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Monday, August 11, 2008

MHP emotionally!

I’m MHP of CT fame.

What to say of these 5sBTs! As I had informed you all, I’ll be taking the CT test on Monday from 7.45-8 in the morning. The night before I was so excited, finally they will know what a tough test tastes. But alas! just before the scheduled test, the CR of 5sBTs rings me up and asks for a no test. He reasons me out, saying they didn’t have power for 5 hours, yesterday night and that there is a bus strike in Udupi, Mangalore. For heaven’s sake why does it have to be my day when all tragedies befall me! Two excuses and I didn’t know what to do exactly. I consulted the HOD regarding this grave matter, I got the go-ahead signal from him, but deep inside I knew life could be more disastrous than this, in case the 5sBTs didn’t get their no test news. I agreed to their demands.

But I decided upon one thing, no matter what I’ll give them a good dose. I will speak out all my frustration, I will make them realize what hell they should be awaiting, their CT tests will be tougher and they go crazy just as I have.

I decided to keep them waiting for me and I arrived 15 minutes late. What I saw was a class almost full, how nice and interesting to torment so many hapless 5sBTs at the same time. Actually all I said was what I think would do them so good.

Power cuts are not valid excuses to postpone a scheduled test. After all even when we were students we used to burn midnight lamp, power cuts being our best buddies when the time came to studies. We never even thought about having a no test. We used to take everything in our stride and strive for excellence. Our student community was so much better than the present lot. What to say of these bunch of people.

Power problem is there all over India, isn’t it? With all these 5sBTs from all over India they should be knowing, it’s the norm rather than an exception to have power cuts. Then why this hullaballo? I asked the boy from Delhi, what India’s total power production is. He didn’t know. I asked what the types of power production are. The class didn’t answer.
Actually thing is that our state Karnataka, doesn’t have sufficient water to depend on hydro power and the major source is the thermal power. That too in our state out of the 8 units, 2-3 won’t work at any given time. The power corporation needs to do something. They say they don’t know whether they will be able to produce the required power in the next few months. Having said all this I appealed the class to do something, after all they are the future civil engineers of India. I felt so proud, you know. I’m sure they would have been inspired by my talk.

I don’t what happened to me. I continued speaking on something or the other. At that point I could feel my eyes welling up in frustration. I hope the students would not have noticed that.

Life outside is not so simple and easy as these students think. I want them to study well, I want them to learn at least something. My efforts are magnanimous compared to theirs. What if I come up to class and say I won’t give lecture ‘coz of power cut. Then they will feel how hard it is not to be lectured by me. Their placements will be affected. Their life will be ruined. That’s why all this effort on my part. Why aren’t they serious? With so much pressure I can’t think of anything else, other than teaching and lecturing and crying in private.

What I think is I know who all were behind this no test campaign. Them I know well. They get good grades but what they do is they are involved in other activities other than studies. They should be punished severely. They incite the class to shout, to mass bunk, to badmouth me. They are the culprits. I’ll surely do something about them. They can’t get away so easily.

The test that on their insistence I’ve kept for tomorrow, from 1 to 2 in the afternoon, will show them what MHP is made of. The test will be tougher. They can’t give such lame excuses and let off. They will have more surprise tests that will be tougher and they won’t come out no better than scoring 0,1,2 or if lucky a somewhat larger single digit score in the forthcoming 30-marks tests. They will fail if they think that mugging up just before the exam will be enough. After all they don’t seem to understand how hard I work for just one lecture.

The water I drink, the food I eat, the sleep I used to enjoy, the rain that used to excite me, I don’t like them any more. Where am I headed to! Why am I stuck with this batch of 5sBTs, not to forget how they tormented me last year when they were 3sBTs?

Will this ever end!

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