Sunday, August 31, 2008
Blogs apart
venky dear dear, its difficult to come up with something to put up..
U have seen me struggle with my write ups too..
it happens that some ppl have nothing to share
or they don wanna share or are just shy to share...
or perhaps not share on the public domain..
U know it yourself how busy we have been over
the past week with freshers and
not to mention paper loads of bullshit.
So it is but naturale tat ppl have shrunk into their own worlds 2 work
and 2 rest.
Don't get frustrated no one is bloggin regularly..
the habit is yet to sink in,and given the hectic 5th sem,
it ain't gonna sink
too soon.
and now i might sound like a rule book...
but i feel its not right to take names
ppl will do wat they want
ppl will xpress wen de want
someone wrote 1 log on a chiken, but it sure is memorable;
the alchemist finds a philosophy a week;
Omi wil return soon to his bloggin streak;
its natural tat wen something special is up (eg. elections)
every one has opinions... and the blog opening co incided with it, giving a
mirage of rush of activity on the site..
wait on...Some day again something special will happen and
this will spring to life..
till then its for the one's (like me) who just can't shut up to voice over here..
and ya , dont compare us with psychos..
they are but pshychos
bleeding each other over a fresh(er) matter..
remember ;
be it rolling planes or cliff tops,
we are but forever the civil buffs.
BDD sux
for it is a universal fact
all wanna tear up their sheets(xcept maak perhaps) but don do it cos they'll have to redraw and submit
the whole bullshit crap of a thing
but the universal truth remains...
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
sorry buffy if this is spam...
but i kick and hit all things in my room (and fell too) in frustaration for i can't do nthing about this whory bullshit thts being pushed down my (and yours too) throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
BDD is Bullshit Dumped Down your throat.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
IN OBLIVION..............
Well, am i here to just exaggerate n congratulate u people? Definitely not.As you can see, my title does nt suit the same.I am here to bring into ur notice the kind of recognition obtained for a blog which was started by a"psycho" for the "psychos".The very beginning of that blog says"inspired by the civil blog".Well i don think we have inspired them with anything otherthan the initial enthusiasm.It is very disheartening to see our blog turning up to be esoteric of late.
What happened Mr.Buff & u Mr.Dash?How did ur passion vanish so fast?Is it already the time for the requiem of our blog?You Mr Omi, is the elections the end of events for 5SBTS?And you Ms Shipu, cant anything other than MHP stories n Pinky thesis inspire u to have a go?
Or is it that we should go on to the path of confrontations for making our blog a big hit(as the psychos did).Gear up dear ones.Is it the end of our blog.My dear "alchemist in offing",is that all u intended? If so , lets have the requiem for the blog.......................................
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
All is fair in love &.................?
i HeLl CiViL [ may I, plz?]
In all this whole world, where the hell did we land, what the hell are we doing!
Ever wondered and pondered over this?
I can’t help but just be sad, sad for myself, but do I enjoy the liberty to curse, to think bad about all this?
Is this about pursuing civil engineering or the whole of it all… the whole existence, the whole going through the motions… what’s up man?
Are we gonna get ground and smashed into bits and pieces…so that all we are left of ourselves is just a nothing…is it so?
Too much pessimism or too much questioning? What is putting you off so far? Exactly… now imagine at the end of the day all you have is a thousand such thoughts rummaging your mind, destroying your peaceful dreams, driving you crazy and playing havoc with you!
So with this where are am I heading to?
What I had in the last week was more than enough for me.
More than 15 hours of drawing to make me realize what people used to do in the ancient days when the better way around is CAD, what can I say! Never bother if that logic is to be applied to the teacher itself, will he be ready to adorn himself with leaves and twigs and replace his already tattered bike with the bullock cart… I guess not! Weekends ruined, back aching like hell, what I was left with was just observe the others… their ingenious ways of completing the same drawing homework. Never been witness to the Glass sheet-Emergency lamp setup in my life, I was surely excited and curious to this wow sight. The balancing act, the exactly right pressure applied on glass, the positioning of light…the straight thinking guys who believe in the old school of thought of hard work can never match this delicate skill…can they ever…not at all! But the results, the assessment, never care for them…they are as same as the other. The same leaves & twigs-bullock cart teacher is not smart enough to distinguish between milk and water…so sad, ain’t it?
Am I complaining or am I exclaiming in pain? Leave it…not worth answering.
Am I ready to risk my life for just a job that pays just 2.5k a month? Hey…I have to. Don’t I remember what I was advised just last week, my job satisfaction is more important, I need not run after money, it will follow me wherever I go, heaven/hell, tall building/deep tunnel, Sahara/Antartica just everywhere!
How about giving an MTP test…c’mon give it a try. All we need is to read everything, mug it up like hell and justify the fact ‘There is no best way of managing’! Yeah, right ma’am, absolutely. With the kind of lectures you treat us with everyday, we are convinced that all of management is waste, absolute and whole. Now I guess even 2 years of time learning the waste principles at any IIM won’t convince me that managing is worth it…right fellas!
More and more of all that. Uncountable. Don't bother to know them all. Better ignored!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
"Draw " my Insurance
The three day "draw"l is over and i find liberation to indulge in life's more sensible issues.
Right from the beginning i was never "draw"n to this course (i believe dere are many of us).
Had an an argument wit the tall-fair-mallu abt the utility of the course and after some useless parries and raised low voices; i gave up wen the man said try telling this to the instructor.
well whatever happened happened
Now coming t the serious issue.... the work over the three days have "draw"n my muscles tense especially in the back... The back pain will takes days or months or years to subside (cos i see more drawing coming).
And since this will develop into a serious problem ; hurting my future; i ask mr.instructor, will you "draw" my medical insurance?
I take this oppurtunity to thank Mr. Jerry Seinfield whose humor carried me thru the "drawn"out work.
I also sincerely thank Batman and Robin for their intense criminal catching show to entertain me in the time of "draw"l.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The barber's sting-op..
well,... the man had a haircut... and so, unless there's some hi-tech organic hair transplant industry that I'm unaware of, the verdict is clear: IT'S REAL.
Very disappointing to have a brilliant hypothesis like that thrown out with the flick of a pair of scissors. Now I know what Galileo must have felt....
P.s Buffy, looks like you'll have to write an obituary for this place soon....
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hats Off...
Hats off for they are so active..
Unlike me who's been sleeping in class for the past 3 days..
My brain just doesn't take the load of sleeping at one and waking at 7.30 to attend the japan returned boring grandpa's class or the conceretest of mentalities.
so hats off.
just end with a wisecrack i heard wen i was half asleep...
Nerd: What is the height above Mean Sea Level (MSL) of Jaipur?
Bigmouth: Jaipur? I don't know much about jaipur.....
except it is the place in Rajasthan where Hawa Mahal is situated and
it is called the pink city. Sawai jai singh's capital... i think there is a jantar mantar
there too....
Nerd:Hmmm... U know a lot about Jaipur...
Except its height above MSL..
Then i fell asleep again.
C ya ppls.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i PhilosophizE CiviL
Monday, August 18, 2008
Is LN's hair real?
sometimes I'm so busy studying the hair that I can't concentrate on what he'saying...
Maybe this 'first-bench' thing is getting to me... Maybe I can't handle the full-zoom 8 mega-pixel clarity... Maybe I'll get over it and become a full-fledged 'front-bencher' like the rest of them and stop noticing the gory details...
Or... I could be right...
Buffy... do we have some voting mechanism on the blog?.. maybe we should have a poll...
speaking of the blog... I think we should get rid of some of those resource-heavy things on the sidebar like the youtube videos and stuff... The page takes too long to load even with only 3 posts showing...
Another thing..
I noticed that CEA pic you have on the photolog.... pretty impressive... that's potential t-shirt material.... worth thinking about...
ok... time to go back to culmann's ecosystem....
Freshers!!!!! all hands at wrk.....

Controversies apart, i feel its time to get down to work too.
uploaded a template for the invite. Need everyone's ideas though.
By the way the poster idea has to be ditched as sticking posters in class is not allowed... concession is made ONLY 4 Engi.
i feel there is a need for an ultra good quote or line to fill the template and make it a good invite card. (I hope shipu hits on one....)
just msg me or vinay your ideas as i can't be OL all time. :(
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rainy Independence Day
At least the rain gods are happy and there seems to be good rainfall. Hope all the dams get filled and we have no power cuts.( देख ले mr.cementpaste)
Briefly abt the morning ceremony:
The NITK army graciously gave a drenched guard of honour to the director who for once came as soon as his PA called him up.
All the business was done under an umbrella and the (un)fortunate umbrella is now reported missing.
Director announced setting up a commercial complex on the campus amongst other things under a 200 crore project cover.
Some higher quality मिठाई was in supply for the drenched crowd, much to the happiness of the fasting hungry NCC troop.
The NSS , Roto, NCC (and one ISTE बंधी) participated in tree plantation on beach road. (total बंधियां=2)
Plants were planted into water logged pre dug holes. (our director still had the grace to water the plants.)
People seemed more interested in clicking photos of them with plants or the director rather than plant the झाडी।
A certain NCC cadet seemed more interested in his girlfriend who had appeared than manage his troop. ;)
The refreshments served on beach may requisite a beach road clean up.
Students' Union was installed. The नेता s were made to sit through a "How to be a HAM" presentation. (guess the forthcoming election campaign will be on Radio)
on whole it was an xtended weeken for the NITK जंता with most bangies and localites heading home sweet home.
I end this write up praying for the innocent souls that demised in the gurpur river accident.
और फ़िर से स्वतंत्रता दिवस के शुभकामनाये
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Defection Update
Two members of the left front suddenly decided to switch sides for the better opportunities available...(grass is always greener on the other side).
They were successful in attracting two more.
Rumours are rife about horse trading (the nagpur rep of course)
Also tomorrow should reveal the fate of the member who decided to abstain today.
Of course since the chatterbox of the left has let loose that the fact that their house is still in disorder with respect to policy decisions, it remains to see whether the situation will remain so after the I-day.
Dirty Politics on I-day eve... (deja vu.....)
Today's unexpected events have set a dangerous precedent. Without any warning whatsoever, the "Left" parties decided to withdraw support to the United "Front" and defected en masse to the opposition "Right" wing. The intelligentia of the house are still in a state of shock after witnessing the never-before-seen spectacle.
The sudden change of loyalties is thought to be due to the "pipeline dispute" between GB and FB. Apparently, the Left parties were outraged by the decision to pursue the pipeline deal with FB in total disregard to the needs of GB.
The overnight revolt has come as a deadly blow to the united "front" which has been in decline for some time now. The "Right", on the other hand, welcomed the move enthusiastically. Most of the Right-wing could hardly conceal their joy. Nevertheless, there are reports that a few members of the hard-line Right group are uncomfortable in accommodating the Left members and expressed fears that this might lead to a dilution of their party ideology.
Meanwhile, amongst all the hullaballoo, admirable was the principled stand of the lone member from Nagpur constituency who refused to betray the ruling coalition due to historical and moral reasons. Rumours are rife about the expulsion of the nagpur member for having "seriously compromised" the party position. The "Left" has shown that it can be very unpredictable and ruthless in it's reactions. The coming days will be crucial in deciding the fate of the member.
Whatever may be the truth behind today's shocking events, one thing is certain: the harmony that has been prevailing in the house since the unanimous re-election of Mishra has been damaged beyond repair.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
MHP sir: See, if at all the concrete on road is set, then only chicken can cross the road. Actually what I meant to say is that concrete is set. See, when I was doing my BE, everyday morning 5 o clock I used to see many chicken crossing road.. one chicken crossing road is not at all a big thing.... Y u r not able to followa?
HTE sir: In India chicken will cross road also, national highway also.. We are in 21st century and no road rules and regulations for animals here... Our systems are totally useless!!
REDDY sir: Chicken can cross road also, konkan railway also... it can act in film like mungaru male also.... no problem... 'kuch bhi chalta hai' !!
LOKESH sir: Yes, it is a very serious matter that the chicken crossed the road. Various investigations and discussions are going on about this topic.
MTP maam: Roads are geocentric organizations.. so chicken has complete power and authority to cross.. Finally all the chickens reach Mc Donalds only... And I think Abhiram has a better answer for this question !!
Burden of civilians!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Civil Freshers 2008
Its freshers’ time once again.
We Civil Engineers are the first to have our Branch Freshers.
Keeping in mind that time is running out of our hands, we need to act fast and prompt. Next week Thursday, we’ll having Freshers…is it ok?
Your suggestions, comments, ideas are most welcome…in fact what we need is your active involvement both prior to and during the freshers.
In view of the almost routine branch freshers that we have had earlier, it’s time to change.
We need to bring in an air of freshness, a dose of awesomeness and even more.
Plz… put forth your ideas regarding FOOD, GAMEs, TIMING, DECORATION…and the most important thing…what u want2pay…errr….what should b d budget !!!!
But remember, there’s not much time left for action…so be prompt in replies and actions...
Yoo Hoo Civil Buffs !!!
A week of blogging, at and by cIVIL bUFFS !!! Now that’s news…
A week of new experiences!
A week of unprecedented rain and power cuts!
A week of thunderbolts, thunderclaps, thunderstorms and a thunderstruck group of 57 civilbuffs giving away thunderous applause!
A week of every worthwhile thing…in fact!
I remember, just the last Tuesday. It must have been a day like no other. What else could explain the sudden spurt in activity on my part and start what nobody at least in my world of friends and acquaintances had never done! Neither did I know the ABCs of blogging nor did I know what the blog would be about!
But there was one small thing that I felt for sure, that feeling of something great about to happen, the intuitive heady feeling of otherworldliness. If such thoughts and ideas crop up in the mind then why wait?
Start, I was for sure. But who would care to take time out and immerse himself in what I think, in what I feel, in what I say, yes who would! The immediate people that I am close to, with whom I am spending a very important part of time in a very crucial junction of my life came to my mind. Who else than the batch of 57 5sBTs of Civil Engineering, NITK! Voila! The
The blogging juggernaut will roll on, the theme of the blog would be what unites us in the class, yes Civil Engineering. The contribution would be by any number of my branchmates. The life that they live, the classes that they attend, the opinions that make them what they are, the brassed off talks of their gurus…surely these would be the hot topics. With all these ideas cropping up in my mind, my brain was surely working faster than Chacha Chaudhary, the affable old man from the world of Pran’s comics in the 90’s, whose brain sometimes worked faster than a computer. Not to forget the era that we are talking about, when the world was ruled by Celeron computer processors. Anyways with our generation awaiting the QuadCore processor anytime soon, and my mind working at the proverbial faster than the computer speed, I must have been a crazy sight to watch.
With my first nightout of the semester, I bore the fruits of my labour, finally, my first post being “i LivE CiviL”. The world had not yet felt the effect, but once it did it was earth-shattering, or simply wowed. Now before the junta felt restless I had invited almost all my branchmates, to co-author the blog, to be a cIVIL bUFF. And they responded, in a manner like never before. If I say I was moved to tears, I wouldn’t be saying something far from the truth. Actually I was laughing out my lungs, my heart beating at the fastest rate of my life, and my brain working faster than a computer!
The start was never a single handed effort, the prelude to, the inspiration for it was the infectious enthusiasm shown by Abhisek, Nahata, Omkar, Pavan and Rakesh. With the blog running at a healthy rate, members joining in and churning out brilliant, witty and erudite posts I couldn’t ask for more. What I keep hoping though is for more and even more, a desire that I’m able to fulfill by throwing the Stop Spectating-Start Posting stares on my fellow civil buffs!!!!!
At the moment cIVIL bUFFS has been critically acclaimed by friends and acquaintances. When asked to read, they simply can’t stop gushing out their niceties and wows. Even more is to follow, even more acclaim, even more recognition and even more standing ovations.
---Civil Buff
5sBT's - What lies ahead !!
Heya .. Sorry guys that’s the only share of Japanese I seem to be familiar with... n my hopes of learning it too this sem al seem to have gone down the drains as the college authorities considered only mech n trical guys eligible enuf 4 it by keeping the classes on thurs noon .. the time v guys ll be quite busy sleepin our hearts out in the class of our very own Japanese ambassador !! guess u guys know who .. ??
But guess his good ol frien Mr. Asano gave our ears some good workout by forcing us to hear frequencies much lower than wat we had to deal wit last sem in SD !! :)
Newys b4 I get quite a lot monotonous let me get out of my Japanese hangover .. !!
Ok ….
First of al .. gr8 work chotu n dash .. gr8 idea to start up our own blog ! It sure will get ppl involved n also help lazy bugs like me to come out of my hibernation n write up something .. ( It took a lot of persuation from dash to get me started) hehe :)
Newys .. so 5th sems up in full swing n so r the rains today .. !! wel im a guy who likes such a weather n I guess the reason is stated in the lines above !! yeah .. it’s a gr8 time to sleep .. !! n I had a share of it in the classes today .. n even the BOOORIN CT test !!
Lot of busy days r comin ahead 4 us I guess wit al the so called “MTP ASSIGNMENTs” which do nothing but enhance our skills of writin durin other classes n writin fast too ! They also nourish our beloved CR Mishra’s “communicating n convincing skills” to postpone the date of submissions almost everytime .. ;)
Not to 4get the few tests lined up .. like the most anticipated n the one im sure al of us r awatitin to get a taste of, an “Open Book” test, n then some stupid MTP test n the most dangerous of them all !! The freshly arrived “ANNOUNCED SURPRISE TEST” in the most interstin sub of the sem !! hehe :P
Guess ive tested ur patience enuf by makin u read all the crap above ! my first ever blog !!
So buckle up guys 4 a gr8 week ahead .. Hope the “WHO LL STUDY 4 THE STUPID TEST MAN !!” thoughts with constant hints of the relative gradin system prevail in our minds .. hehe J
SAYONARA ( Wohoo !! im learnin ;) !)
Bollywood Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5SBTCLASS: In an exclusive talk wit 5sBts, Pinky ma'm has given a controversial statement that can really turn d things upside down in d coming days at d Indian Stock Xchange .According to her Bollywood, which is d greatest testimonial of Indian culture, really sucks!!!! The coming days ll show wat impact dis statement can hav on indian economy as well as foriegn xchange.The exclusive interview turned out 2 b a truely enlightning one wit ppl comin to know y India din develop so much since independence.The reason is Bollywood.However she said dat d present scenario can b dealt with if ppl embrace Hollywood n import Australian movie prints.Experts frm 5sBT hav refused to comment upon dis other than producing a ooooooooooohhhhh sound.V do hope dat comin days ll enlighten us wit more Pinky thesis oriented at d devt of our nation.
well well.. a blog of our own!... how exciting!...
Come to think of it... this isn't really a good time to be sitting online blogging... what with pinky's" assignment and "MHP's" killer test awaiting us... add to that the fact that I have no clue about either...
So.. why am I here you ask? well for one, there's our great "CivilBuff" giving me angry stares everytime he sees me cuz apparently he hates silent spectators... and secondly, blogging is way cooler than all the 'Bogue compounds' put together... :p goes..
First off.. Buff, my boy... you are a genius... (you too Mr. Dash)... This blog is probably the best thing that's happened to our class... no wait... the second best thing.. the first best thing obviously being the sliding of ashwini, purohit, birla and others... (oh, if only aslam had decided to leave with them... the world would have been such a nice place)... sigh...
Seriously.. Soumya... I bow to thee... keep those hilarious posts coming... just make sure no one leaks our URL to MHP or pinky... :)
On to more serious things... since we're still in election hangover... I was just wondering... is our system really the best college/university election system? I mean,.. is there any point in first, second and third year CR's electing final year representatives?? How are union elections held in other colleges?
In NIT Trichy, from what i've heard, the system is pretty different.. there, anyone can contest any post and all her/his batchmates can vote.
Say, union presi.. which is a final year post,... any final year student can contest the election... and similarly, all the students of the FINAL YEAR batch can vote... not just one person from every class... and not first years and second years who hardly know any final years...
CR's (or 'Class Reps' as they're known there) are there just to co-ordinate between teachers and students... thats it...
Sounds better than our system to me... what do you ppl think? Share your views... who
knows?.. maybe by the time we leave this place we'll have a better system in place :)...
Monday, August 11, 2008
MHP emotionally!
What to say of these 5sBTs! As I had informed you all, I’ll be taking the CT test on Monday from 7.45-8 in the morning. The night before I was so excited, finally they will know what a tough test tastes. But alas! just before the scheduled test, the CR of 5sBTs rings me up and asks for a no test. He reasons me out, saying they didn’t have power for 5 hours, yesterday night and that there is a bus strike in Udupi, Mangalore. For heaven’s sake why does it have to be my day when all tragedies befall me! Two excuses and I didn’t know what to do exactly. I consulted the HOD regarding this grave matter, I got the go-ahead signal from him, but deep inside I knew life could be more disastrous than this, in case the 5sBTs didn’t get their no test news. I agreed to their demands.
But I decided upon one thing, no matter what I’ll give them a good dose. I will speak out all my frustration, I will make them realize what hell they should be awaiting, their CT tests will be tougher and they go crazy just as I have.
I decided to keep them waiting for me and I arrived 15 minutes late. What I saw was a class almost full, how nice and interesting to torment so many hapless 5sBTs at the same time. Actually all I said was what I think would do them so good.
Power cuts are not valid excuses to postpone a scheduled test. After all even when we were students we used to burn midnight lamp, power cuts being our best buddies when the time came to studies. We never even thought about having a no test. We used to take everything in our stride and strive for excellence. Our student community was so much better than the present lot. What to say of these bunch of people.
Power problem is there all over India, isn’t it? With all these 5sBTs from all over India they should be knowing, it’s the norm rather than an exception to have power cuts. Then why this hullaballo? I asked the boy from Delhi, what India’s total power production is. He didn’t know. I asked what the types of power production are. The class didn’t answer.
Actually thing is that our state Karnataka, doesn’t have sufficient water to depend on hydro power and the major source is the thermal power. That too in our state out of the 8 units, 2-3 won’t work at any given time. The power corporation needs to do something. They say they don’t know whether they will be able to produce the required power in the next few months. Having said all this I appealed the class to do something, after all they are the future civil engineers of India. I felt so proud, you know. I’m sure they would have been inspired by my talk.
I don’t what happened to me. I continued speaking on something or the other. At that point I could feel my eyes welling up in frustration. I hope the students would not have noticed that.
Life outside is not so simple and easy as these students think. I want them to study well, I want them to learn at least something. My efforts are magnanimous compared to theirs. What if I come up to class and say I won’t give lecture ‘coz of power cut. Then they will feel how hard it is not to be lectured by me. Their placements will be affected. Their life will be ruined. That’s why all this effort on my part. Why aren’t they serious? With so much pressure I can’t think of anything else, other than teaching and lecturing and crying in private.
What I think is I know who all were behind this no test campaign. Them I know well. They get good grades but what they do is they are involved in other activities other than studies. They should be punished severely. They incite the class to shout, to mass bunk, to badmouth me. They are the culprits. I’ll surely do something about them. They can’t get away so easily.
The test that on their insistence I’ve kept for tomorrow, from 1 to 2 in the afternoon, will show them what MHP is made of. The test will be tougher. They can’t give such lame excuses and let off. They will have more surprise tests that will be tougher and they won’t come out no better than scoring 0,1,2 or if lucky a somewhat larger single digit score in the forthcoming 30-marks tests. They will fail if they think that mugging up just before the exam will be enough. After all they don’t seem to understand how hard I work for just one lecture.
The water I drink, the food I eat, the sleep I used to enjoy, the rain that used to excite me, I don’t like them any more. Where am I headed to! Why am I stuck with this batch of 5sBTs, not to forget how they tormented me last year when they were 3sBTs?
Will this ever end!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Last yr,i was one of the candidates who stood against Mishra..and although i was very dejected about losing the elections then,i realised over the last yr that i'm actually happy that i lost to someone as deserving as Mishra and that too by not a great margin!Congrats Mishraji :) we're all awaiting a huge treat..hehe :)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Its season MiSHrA... yet again!!!!!!!
We were all geared up a good two weeks ago.... everytime i sat with mishra, we had the give-n-takes about the same topic- the elections... n after 2 weeks of campaigning n having done all the permutations n combinations, we were sure about getting at least 30 votes. we were all pumped up in the morning... banging the doors of the sleeping beauties- " get up m'c**d... kitna soega saale??".. 'twas a good run between the blocks. mishra was very much concerned abt another mishra... srry actually its misra.. stats say that this guy has never attended an 8 o'clock class in 5th semester. so mishra's anxiety was obvious.. but today he was ready even before us... hats off Paari.. i knw very well wat it takes to wake up b4 8...
" oye duniya me koi aaj tak paida hi nahi hua jo hamein 11 baje se pehle utha de... isiliye hum poori soye hi nahi" this was mangal speak wen we wer on our way to the department...
there we saw mishra... poor fellow was having a tough time still convincing ppl... "hey!! no campaigning now mishra" was one of the gals. n the voting went on smoothly..
'twas 9:15 wen the much awaited results came... goodness me!!!!! all our calculations went wrong.. we expected 30, but we had won by a huge margin of 30!!!! 'twas overwhelming... the crowd exploded... they roared like never b4... mishra will surely have a sleepless nite 2day... thanx to the many gpl sessions he suffered... he'l feel the ass burn 4 quite sometime.
jokes apart... this years elections have proved that mishra was a worthy candidate yet again... all of us including those we took as the ppl of opposite camp, knew the work he has done last year. der was no north south divide.. it was unanimous. mishra played his part nicely.. he was always der wen 'twas reqd.. i still remember the nite wen he was negotiating with a proff, at 9 o'clock to cancel a test!!! i dont think nybody else wud have done that...he has a personal approach to everyone... it wud not be wrong if we call him the personal officer of our class rather than a CR...this years elections wer also important keeping in view, the placements next yr... mishra as a good approach n rappo among the proffs.. this'll obviously help.. hats off to the toil he has done keeping his own gpa at stake...
so thanq my friends.. thanks a lot... for making such an important n bold decision... we all believe in our dear CR... he'll definitely deliver this time also. with him as the CR, there's no room 4 problems..... solution is just a phone call away........ its mishra season yet again... so chillllaaaaaax!!!!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
SN's cool assurance!!!
MHP actually!
My day started early as usual. Friday has its special significance. I have a very brilliant start to it every week, after all I give lectures on Concrete Technology to 5th semester B.Tech students from 8to9 followed by Advanced Concrete Technology to M.Tech students from 9to11. What better can I ask for!
What to tell of those 5th semester B.Tech students (5sBTs)! They are a whole bunch of non-serious students. You see I had asked them to come 15 minutes earlier than usual. All I found was just 8 of the 57 5sBTs in the class. I waited till 8am to start the lecture by which 25 5sBTs had come. Actually I'm a bit strained, with the huge CT course to deliver and the insufficient time. What I have decided is to take a test on coming Monday and I'm yet to cover the whole portion. So I'll be taking a 90 minutes lecture for them today afternoon from 4to5.30. I hope I can complete it by then.
The 5sBTs who had come for the 8to9 class today were such disgusting, what to tell.
The whole class just stared blankly whenever I put some question. What they did in the meanwhile was so disturbing. Some gaze outside the window, some laugh, some talk and can you believe it some just stare at the fan above! Why they do such things I don't know. Actually their attitude even makes my concentration go haywire. So it might just be true what one 5sBTs commented "That means fan is more interesting than you, sir."
After all CT is a subject that needs so much mugging up, because of which the Department of Civil Engineering, NITK (DCE-N)never had offered CT in the last 20 years. Now with my joining, DCE-N started loving CT so much, and thrust this subject on me. I refer 5-6 textbooks, some of which even I may not understand, but I try to do my best. I come to DCE-N building everyday at 7 whereas all else arrive at 8. With nobody around I once again rehearse what I have to lecture that day. Even with all these efforts, 5sBTs are not cooperating with me.
So, what I'll do is put a tougher question paper for the test. I'll see how they are going to score good marks. I'll have my vengeance then.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
NERD: maam, wat abt notes?
MTP maam: Yyaa..!! I ll mail de softcopy to ur CR !!
(whole cls - oooooooohhhhhh;) )
STUDENT FROM THE BACK: maam, y cant u put it on orkut?!
ANOTHER STUDENT: or share it on DC++ ?
STUDENT: Mam, whats the highest in assignment?
[then other guy from behind: no, mam. i would like to know the lowest!!!
then another student: mam, average plzzzz....?]
MAM: highest is '9'. His name is ABHIRAM.
[ then everyone gossiping- who s abhiram man!! we have only one name having ABHI.. in it & thats abhishek]
ABHISHEK stood up. Everyone claped for him.
Then one nerd ( to abhishek) : Good man!! how did u manage to get it?
ABHISHEK: shut rrraa...... i havent even submitted the assignment !! [;)]
another day...and all dat!!
(Asano effect persists)
So another day at work.!!!...Well..i will concern myself with the second half only...not that i have any special respect for Prashanth and co....but it is just that am not aware of the so-called would have been in the same situation...if u would have got up at 11.30 ...and would have hastened up to reach the other classes in time..i some how got ready and was about to leave for the department..wen mishra.smsed.."no wcs class"...not that i have turned into a nerd recently..but this last minute cancellation didn't look that interesting...i guess u know how it feels to plan and spend an hour ..getting it free at the last moment...i was wondering how this free-time has had to be mind came up with an obvious answer..and if u r a nitkian...and dat too a civil-ite...u know what it is..yeah.."orkut"...sometimes i feel..orkut buyokkutten was a nitkian civilite too...else..he would not have designed this..."ever-ready to use kill-time site"...
moving to business...
fortunately...or unfortunately....i reached there in get the news of the day..."no sa-2"..phew...i do have a fairy-godmother...who always saves me from these loathful moments...
for those missing Katta...and wanting to know where he is...i would like to inform...he has been deported to japan with mr.asano by mhrd..why?..well...japan has been making fast-fast developments in every sphere of life...and who could be the best guy to slow them down???...well..mhrd's none other than our very own katta....with his slow-slow and steady-steady snail like pace...he is soon going to infect the japanesse youth like he did to us....with utmost boredom...and snatch away their frantic pace...and sabotage their entire economy to a complete breakdown.
and the evidence????...if u ask our first-bench geeks...they will agree that asano did speak about some exchange.well this is the exchange!!!..thinking about the first benches...i am reminded of Nandu...lo..where was he today??? am starting to believe that it was a combo offer
from mhrd....
going back to 2 ....SN enters to carry on with and all...if u r some one asking what all these are....then don't will know it next week for sure..he was there... usual charm and humour...but at 2...with a heavy lunch...i one enjoyed crunching those numbers...if readers remember..i told them about news of the i will give them the news of the week...
"SN is going to have a open-book test next thursday"
for those...who are only concerned with the "open-book"...(me included too)'s not going to be a me..i can see his devious mind working...our alumni-faculty is all set to take us for a roller-coaster ride...hope the 13th Samaritan jumps out from some where!!
moving was time for the ultra-cool...and most-awaited period...
Ms.I entered the class to start from where Mr.Virupaksha(god-damn) left the other day.."environment" was bio it was socio..but something you all will agree..the latter was as boring as the former...
going through..grins and smiles...shouts and responsiveness...i was bored out of my mind drifted to sumwhere...thinking of sumone...i decided to send a sms......i didn't get a reply back...until it was 5... u can say lecturers like Ms.I are not much available in other parts of the country...
well..going back to class again..waiting for the sms-reply..i heard some term.."parochialism"..or watever...i don't give a damn either...wat it is....but suddenly..hemagiri (from mining)..who was sitting beside me..began to show me uni-ceps..watever...they were...well i guess..he heard it as"macho-liasm" perhaps ...
finally it was 4.00...thank god...somehow...tortures..are pleasureful with u ppl around...and time passes some take u back to the wonderful world of orkut..hey..i gave 30 mins of my most precious orkut-time to write go through it once!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
MTP ma'm- Full Throttle.......
Ma'm- wat is organisation???? nyone????
A nerd frontbencher- ma'm it means how to organise....
(giggles all around)
Ma'm- actually der r 5-6 different definitions given in the books. u can write ny1 of them... i'll give u marks only then....
(class- ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
A bakcbencher- ma'm which book to follow??
Ma'm- Griffin, koontz, robert r some books u can follow. griffin.. hmmmmm i guess we have only one copy in the library..... and.... thaaaaat iiiiiss wiith meeeeeee.
(the class roars with laughter). actually we also have only one copy of roberts ...... (after a brief pause)... n that is also with meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.(hooohohohohoho -the class explodes)
Smart girl- no indian authors ma'm??
Another frontbencher- ma'm B.C.Punmia.
(BCP- the psycho who has authored books on almost every branch of civil engineering but fortunately spared management from his wrath)
Ma'm-ya u can....
(after realising her mistake)
noooo i dont think der is any such author(confused)........
The frontbencher again- no ma'm we have it in our library.... but only one copy it seems... but m afraid ..that is with meeeeeeeeeeeee...
(hahahahahahahahahahahhohohohohohohohohehehehehehehe-the class's unstoppable)
to yeh thi hamari pyaaaari ma'm ki kahani.... jiska intezar hum har hafte karte hain...
ummeed yahi hai ki yahi bakwass aage wali classes me bhi chalti rahengi... aaaameeeeeeeen
100% PLACEMENT...... oh really????????
Adding to the agony, Halcrow's taking only P.G. students that too from Marine Structures. Even, those all companies which have actually registered, r all giving just around 3 lakhs. One company's giving around 5 lakhs... but who'll go to Afghanistan to burn their asses under the sun.
Now, personally i don't feel like going into PSUs. Having done my industrial training in NTPC, i have somewhat developed an aversion to PSUs.
So my friends wat should we do about it??? may be raise this point in CEA, or hold a meeting with the proffs. We have to do something 'coz next time, its us who'll go under the hammer.
Friends keep yourself updated about the placements. As Dash suggested me, we can discuss this in our class everyday... hmmm thats a good idea isn't it??
So, get going... keep blogging.. we need your views... B'COZ ALL THAT MATTERS IS SURVIVING CIVIL ENGINEERING TO MAKE IT SURVIVE. .. AIN'T IT????????
humara cr kaisa ho????
"humara cr kaisa ho????"
post in ur views and will help our cr-contestants to know wat they have to be our cr...more will help them know wat the class wants....
so..go on posting...
P.S.: this bolg is campaigning here...just answer to this not-so-simple question..!!!
Why this blog was made in the first place???
Reasons and more reasons followed...apart from the "inspiration"...few are...
"lets do something man" we do nothing...come will orkut and gtalk run without the hard and persistent work from us???? we definitely do a lot for google already
another was.."this will help us to gel together" we didn't gel..then how did those mass-bunks...even on test days were possible????
another was..."i heard blogs really open up one's will make us really open minded" which i retorted.."if the mind opens too much..the brain will fall"
then what went to the release of the blog??????
the honest answer always...we have no idea...may be the inspiration was too much....or maybe..the same reason for which no one dropped the applied soil engineering elective..because everyone else was doing it...or because...we are frustrated of getting decided to do something...which will act as a salvation from frustration...these are a few reasons..which are true for me...well each one of the contributors will have their own....
With everything said and done....i believe this will be a wonderful platform for discussions...discussions and more discussions...spiced up with our ever rich criticism for everything...with the gossips..which we can brew like coffee..and the news we bake everyday like cakes...
so i hope blogging here really become a "tea-time" for everyone...
so that atleast we can say...."blogging is my cup of tea"..
(Mr. Asano be remembered for a week atleast...)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
i LivE CiviL
A typical day and its untypical goings-on.
How often can you boast of a foreign influence in an institute like ours- where the only flavour you ever taste is just Indian! Well Dr. Asano made our day. A highly qualified scholar from the Dept. of Ocean Civil Engg.,
For every smile there is a tear. How true!
Prashant sir was just one among the 3 spoilsports of today- his able aides being Indrani ma'am and Virupaksha sir. To say the least they tormented us like hell- notwithstanding their well wishes! Their characteristic quotes delivered in the unimitable style of their own, their goof-ups, their lectures- all just make sure we don't have a perfect ear-to-ear smile.
Prashant sir's handling of CT is highly laced with "If at all..."s, "What they have done is..." and "Actually..."s. If at all you haven't taken note of these, then what you have to do is be a little more attentive in class. Never mind his closed eyes-head shaking-mumblings.
Indrani ma'am has this absolute ability to petrify us with "If you don't stop shouting, I'll give you an assignment" statements- that surely works. It seems McDonald's has appointed this MTP cutiepie as its brand ambassador in this part of
That's the lifestyCle change we are experiencing. She says "I didn't ask you to clap" and the class erupts in even more claps. Fianlly "You can leave the class". OK ma'am but spare us all this bakwaas.
Virupaksha sir is going to make our 2credit ES into one hell lot of PPTs, the contents aptly dispalyed for the shortest time possible, his explanations being just a cryptic crossword game for us. We just hope, we are spared from his "You needn't jot down everything from the PPT" and at the same time "Everything that's there in the PPT will come in examination".
O! This world couldn't get worse for us. Just everyday we are awakened to this rude shock...we are the future Civil Engineers, and a verrry verrry Endangered Species- thanks to all those core companies who are in the habit of not recruiting any of the eligible Civil populace from our institution!
If not us then who the goddamn will civilise the world!